
The origins of the Fošenbauer family can be traced back as far as 1623 in the village of Netolice (on the territory of today's Czech Republic). Netolice is located in southern Czechia, close to the České Budějovice town (Budweis) and approximately 150km from Prague.

After they left Netolice, our ancestors have lived in different villages close to the Vltava river (Moldau): Jaroslavice, Buzkov, Chrášťany and, since the end of the 19th century, in the city of Prague.

Over the years, our family name has been evolving with the czech language from Foschenpaur to Foschenbauer (1749) and, finally, to the current form " Fošenbauer " from the beginning of the 19th century.

I'm from Prague and live in Switzerland since the end of the 20th century. My kids are the 11th generation since Havel's birth in 1623.

If you are also a member of the Fošenbauer clan and would like to get in touch, please send a message to family [ at ] fosenbauer.com (no spacing). Your message can be in Czech, English, French or Spanish.

Below is the family tree of ancestors born between 1623 (Havel) and 1859 (Jan). Jan was my great grandfather. He was married to Marie, born Slanská.
